Friday, January 13, 2017

Traveling the Ozark

After our week in Missouri, we all headed over to Arkansas to stay with Jeanette and Randy.  It was so wonderful that they stayed with us the whole week at the tournament.  This time we got to spend time together without all the debating.  Well, I take that back...Payton and uncle Randy have a fun time with constant bantering...which usually leads into some kind of (friendly) debate.  Everything turns into competition between the two of them.  They are so funny!  
Our time together is always so much fun!  Priceless memories. 💗

Here is Payton in her own adorable guest room that Auntie Nett made so special for her (and ours, too!).  Oh, did it feel good to get out of a hotel room.  Six nights is too much for me to share a room with Max and Payton.  They are two messy roommates. 😩

Here we all are in Big Cedar Lodge.  It is a beautiful country resort in Branson, Missouri.  We took a long walk had lunch and then rented a few golf carts to drive around in.  It was a beautiful, fun day! 

 A selfie from our cart....

....and then here comes trouble.  :)

 So beautiful.  And, so is the view.  ðŸ˜‰

 They had a beautiful church where Jeanette and I took the liberty to plan Payton's wedding.  However, she was not amused.  She was done with the subject.  We were continually looking for a husband for her at the debate tournament.
I am just saying that there were so many wonderful, Christian, good looking young men there.  :)


And we did!! 

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Our Journey to NITOC

My New Years Resolution is keeping up with this blog.  (And I am a day early!) :)  Life goes by too fast and my memory is too bad to count on.  So this blog/journal is my gift to my children.  So when I am gone, they will have it to read and reminisce.  So today on Dec. 31, 2016, I am beginning.  So lets go back to June 2016 where I will pick up.  :)

Payton qualified for NITOC (National Invitational Tournament of Champions) for Lincoln Douglas Debate.  It was in Missouri, so going across the country meant we would get to see Randy and Jeanette, who are two hours away in AR.  Because of Payton's commitment (and love!) for soccer, we didn't get to travel to many speech and debate tournaments during the year, so we figured she was guaranteed six rounds and going to nationals would still be a great experience.   Another perk would be seeing family in AR and NM, and it sounded like a fun road trip since school was out.  (I was disappointed Landon did not want to go.  But knowing he was 21 and wanted some independence and that I would have a dog would be okay.  I guess.)

 Well, little did we know and did not expect it, but Payton made it to finals!  Honestly, it was one of the biggest blessings for me as a homeschool mom to see my daughter do so well.  There had been lots of drama the five years we were involved with speech and debate, but I hung in there because I knew the importance of teaching my children how to speak well, think logically and have the research skill for college and life!  It was a wonderful surprise to end up staying in Missouri for six days and 16 debate rounds later,  Payton came in second out of 120 students.  But the real hi-lite of five years of speech and debate was the real life experience that happened on a soccer high school bus ride to Phoenix, when Payton's coach (who was very liberal) decided to question the "new Christian homeschool girl" about very controversial topics.  And when she had a solid answer and stood her ground (God's standards!), and spoke with confidence and conviction...that was the hi-lite of why we devoted so many hours and money into it.  She told me that not only was he blown away by her, but when he question other freshman question about political topics they leaned on Payton to show them how to communicate to him.  It not important to me that a homeschool child was well spoken, what gave me hope and blessed my heart was that God use Payton to plant a seed on that bus years ago!  That even if one young girl thinks about what Payton said that afternoon...and that if even one will search more into who this God is that the Maxwells follow and live for...then the journey of speech and debate was a success!  It is not about the trophy or accolades.  It is ultimately about souls be saved.  She is not competing her senior year, but I thank God for the five years we had, and hope He was and will be blessed by this skill.

 Here she is flowing (taking notes) during a round. 

 Speaking bolding :)

 Pretty in pink

 Here supporters 

Jeanette and Randy spent the whole week with us.  It was so special to have them there.  They LOVED and was so impressed at what these kids did. 

 Here is the final round with 9 judges and hundreds of spectators.   (Yikes!  I was a nervous mess!)  The judges were from the community with incredible credentials.   Even though Payton didn't win  the round, we were VERY proud of her.  After the tournament, she told us that it meant so much more for Brandon to win than it would have meant for her, so she was happy for him.  He was a senior, and it was his very last round, so he was thrilled.  (She wouldn't have said that if it was soccer!) 😉 He was really nice guy from Colorado, so we were very happy for him.  I am proud of all the kids who compete.  They are top notch in my book. 

Accepting her trophy.

I was told they took individual pictures of everyone on stage, so I didn't go up.  But they only got a group shot of the top eight, so I am stuck with a cropped one.  Ugh.  I was not happy.   I think the first, second and third place deserve a professional shot by themselves.  Live and learn.   If you want something done right, or if you want your own got to do it yourself.   She still looks lovely and happy.  

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Landon is 21!

Landon turned 21 on May 19th, 2016.  Yes, that is how behind I am in blogging. 
I honestly don't know when this happened?!? Landon 21!
It was like yesterday when this precious boy came into our life.  When they handed me this adorable blonde hair, blue eyed little guy. I was changed forever. Not to mention thrilled that my very long labor and delivery was over. I was minutes away from a c-section, but by the grace of God, it didn't happen.
The next few months I was sleep deprived, dehydrated and in a delightful daze. 
 Here he is a few hours old. Oh, how I loved this little guy immediately.

His first birthday....

21 years later...and I love him even more. 

Getting ready to eat his sugar cereal.  Some traditions don't change as we get older. :)

I think Max is trying to put up a 21 with his fingers. Not sure?

Our 21 year old son (who looks 16, and one day he will appreciate it!) 

My time with him is limited these days. But I am thrilled he's walking and serving our Lord. He has good friends, does very well in school, he's easy going, funny and unselfish. 
But that is why I miss him. 
I pray he goes to our Lord for every direction and decision in life. That he lives for him all the years of his life. If my children love Jesus, my job as a mother is complete. It's not perfect, but complete.

Happy 21 birthday, son! You will always be my sonshine and I love you very much. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Las Vegas (March 2016)

Anyone who knows me, knows I don't hold back on my opinion. (I wish I could, really I do!) But there are just some things it's hard for me to keep quiet about. And LV is one. 
I had not been in over 17 years, and I can go the rest of my life not ever visiting again.
There is one problem. A dear friend of ours lives there, and Payton will more than likely have another soccer tournament there this year.  (The reason we went in the first place.) 
That city just makes me sooooo sad. There are many lost souls and the desperation to make a buck is heartbreaking.  Anything moral or pure or wholesome is desperately lacking.
Watching so many sit at those machines hoping that winning big is the answer to their problems. 
Partying through the night.
And I can not even repeat some of the filth I witnessed walking down the old strip.
 A place that is "suppose" to be family friendly. 

But I have always tried to find the good in a place (and a person!).  So here goes: the architect of the hotels/casinos are pretty incredible. The food was good, and the kids enjoyed the roller coaster.  Okay, I did it. I said something nice about LV.  
We had a good time as a family.  The four of us being together for a long period of time does not happen to often. Unfortunately. 

My gang with our friend Tony.

These were the only slots we touched. Candy slots.  :)

Inside the Venetian

Payton and I

Just because I love these signs and a fake sky. It really felt like you were outside. Very cool.  

My son trying to act like he doesn't mind us taking a picture.  

Payton enjoying an ice cream by the Eiffel Tour. 

 Apparently the roller coaster was a good one. :) 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Where Did Winter Go?

Okay, so here we are at the end of February and I somehow missed winter?  After planning for Max's retirement, etc.  I assumed when they were over, I would get me life back.  Didn't happen.  High school soccer consumes our winter.
Payton position is forward and was a starter.  She made a real impact to them making it to semi-finals for state playoffs.  It was a great season!

Here are a few pictures: 

 These two pictures made the paper.   Fun stuff! 

 The parents lined the streets before leaving to Phoenix for one of the playoff games. We made personal posters and cheered them off.
 Landon got up early on a Saturday morning to cheer his sister on.  Well... maybe not cheer, but he did hold the sign.)  :)

Max made his own sign!  So artistic. And sooooo to the point! :)

 Randy and Jeanette stopped by on their way back to Arkansas.  We went to the zoo and the Gem Show. 

 I was practicing my selfie skills, but Payton took over.  Thankfully. 

Payton posing with baby Dumbo.
 Landon couldn't take off school.  College isn't as flexible. Unfortunately. :(

 Our family ran a 5K with our church.  The money went to a school for orphans in Peru.
  I am not a runner, but I have to say it was invigorating and the weather was perfect!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE AZ winters. 

 Speaking of great AZ winters.  We just returned from our yearly ski trip.  AZ is my favorite place to ski.  I have been fortunate to ski the Alps, CO, NV, NC and NM, but I still prefer AZ.  I know most people would think I am nuts...but it is always about the weather for me.  And skiing in the high 50's is what I call perfecto!
As you can see, Landon is in a turtleneck. No coats, face masks or layers upon layers of clothing.
Great skiing for me is feeling my toes.  :)

 Payton has taken up snow boarding.
She is a great skier, so as a beginner snowboarder....she had her moments of missing her skis. :)

 Now that Max is retired, he is growing this beard thing.  I do not like it, but he claims it is only for a short while.
Ugh, I miss my clean cut military man. 

We took Payton's best friend, Shelby, with us.
 It was her first time skiing and she did great job. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Happy 60th Birthday!

The day after Max's retirement, he turned 60.
(The posts appear out of order because there are too many to post at one sitting.) ;)

Anyhow, the weekend was full and fun. 

The fun began at 2:00. And we finished up at midnight with board games with the last of our company. (It is real difficult to leave our home without a board game. Payton will make sure of it. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm that tree!) :)

Some of the guys enjoying the outdoors...(although, we were having a cool front, so a little too cool for the gals). 

Auntie Darla enjoying some appetizers.

Football playoffs going on in the living room.

Vicky accusing me of something?  :)

I could't resist.... :)

Getting ready to sing and cut the cake(s!) (He had his two favorites. A German chocolate my mom made, and a tiramisu I made...and few other treats. Sugar is never a shortage with Max around.) :)

Max refusing to give "another" speech. :)

A hug and Subway art from me...

Gathering so he can open his presents.

All the cute posers.....

He got so many thoughtful gifts and a few gag ones (from me).  :)

But with the weekend coming to an end...Max finally lost it while opening gifts. 
With the combination of our wonderful families and his special friends blessing him with their generosity and time, he was overwhelmed. 

I thank the Lord for such a special weekend for a very special man. 

We also celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in December. The quote below sums up our life together.

"The same Jesus Who turned water into wine can transform your home, your life, your family, and your future. He is still in the miracle-working business, and His business is the business of transformation." By Adrian Rogers